Massage Therapy, Reiki Healing and Energy Coaching services

 Massage Therapy


Discover the benefits of massage therapy near you serving Vero Beach, Gifford, Sebastian, Port Saint Lucie, Melbourne and more!

Massage goes beyond mere relaxation; it nurtures both body and mind, fostering a profound sense of wellbeing and healing. Did you know that massage can alleviate symptoms of depression, stress, and anxiety?

Studies demonstrate that massage can effectively lower heart rate, enhance circulation, boost immune function, increase energy levels, and promote better sleep, all aimed at restoring harmony to your body.

Massage Vero Beach

Experience the transformative power of massage. A session stimulates nerve fibers, triggering the release of mood-regulating hormones like dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. Carolyn employs a blend of techniques to create a serene and revitalizing experience.

Clients frequently request the integration of Reiki healing and lymphatic drainage massage alongside their massage sessions to amplify the benefits. This combination not only aids in releasing blocked energy and reducing stress and tension, but also enhances overall relaxation and rejuvenation.

$65 / $100 / $120


The Wave
Reiki Healing w/Massage

Imagine the incredible relaxation benefits of massage combined with Reiki all in one session!  Experience both massage to relax muscles and intuitively guided spiritual healing to further release blocked energy, reducing stress and tension in your body.

Pricing as follows:

30-minutes:  $65

60-minutes:  $100

90-minutes:  $120