Massage Therapy, Reiki Healing and Energy Coaching services

CranioSacral Therapy


Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a very light touch technique that releases tension and restrictions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction, with the goal of improving overall health and wellbeing. It’s like a jump start for the central nervous system.

What does Craniosacral do?

Craniosacral therapy is believed to boost inherent self-correction, self-regulation, and self-healing. Through light touch (weight of a nickel) on specific pressure points on the body, your parasympathetic nervous system will engage, allowing your body and mind to relax, unwind and reset. Helps release fascia restrictions and muscle tension throughout the body.

Conditions helped by CST:

Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Neuralgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Scoliosis, Stress & Tension Disorders, and TMJ symptoms.

Session ~ 30 minutes ($65) or 60 minutes ($100)

Each session brings individuals different relief and experiences. Some leave in an extremely relaxed state, others have boundless energy. You may feel decreased pain and increased function immediately or gradually over a period of days.

Carolyn is certified as a practitioner in CST1 & CST2 through The Upledger Institute which is the pioneer of this healing modality.